Lost Through Display, begins as short films, the film plays on a screen
where a panorama is taken using an iPhone X to stitch the scenes
together, creating the photograph. This is what transforms the video
into a static image.

All the digital manipulation is happening at the start of the capture. The forms and areas initially filmed go through a multitude of digital captures that they are removed even further from reality, through digital means. The iPhone camera is capturing the image on a digital sensor, where it then stitches that code together to create a panorama. This is what creates the glitched final image, with scenes finishing with jagged edges into blackness, or immediately continued into another image. The action and nature of the image only amplify the artificialness that comes along with the digital capture. 

The images and process have the viewer to question what truth a digital image holds? The code of the images is, in fact, true, though the depiction
is far from.

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